Barlach Halle K

The Barlach Halle K is directly located in the heart of the city and its art scene, right between the Kunstverein, a gallery, and the Kunstmeile. Very close by you’ll […]

DanceStation! Choreography meets Video Game

Foto DanceStation_Workshop Bundesakademie_1
When game meets dance, a fascinating artistic field arises. Also, it is an exciting approach for those occupied with dance, theatre and media education. In this workshop, participants create  ...
  • Thursday, 14.11.2019 10:00-18:00 Uhr

Freie Akademie der Künste

The Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg, founded in 1950, is a non-profit consortium of artists. What distinguishes an academy from other associations of artists is its interdisciplinary  ...

Jugendbibliothek Hoeb4U

The youth-library Hoeb4U opened in September 2016 and is located on the ground floor of the Central Public Library in Hamburg. Besides books, magazines and CDs, there are movies, tv […]

Markhalle Hamburg | Festival HQ

The Markthalle Hamburg, formerly used as a market hall for flowers and vegetables, has been established as a centre for various events and live music, often with alternative bands. Part […]


The Zentralbibliothek contains more than 500,000 items of media and is the biggest public library in Hamburg. It is located next to the central station in the former historic main […]