Speakers’ Corner: Saturday


The Speakers’ Corner is our stage for all who want to have a say! Discuss your topics together and set impulses for the festival.

ATTENTION! There are still a few last slots available. Report your idea to the info desk in the festival headquarter and with a little luck you can suggest one of the last topics on site. In this case, you get free access to the festival on the day of your slot.

10:00 | Monstersuche (DE)
Christopher Weymann (FUNDUS THEATER)

10:40 | Monster gibt es nicht…oder doch? – Spielerisch zu mehr Fiktionsverstehen (DE)
Lisa König

11:00 | Your slot(s)? Register at the info desk!

11:40 | King Kong und Cthulhu – Von Monstern und Feinden (DE)
Olof Jebram

12:20 | A Stubborn Tale – How to design interactive audiobooks (DE/EN)
Philipp Mallmann

12:40 | Video Game Music (EN)

13:20 | Ten Monsters and What They Have Taught Me (EN)
Stefan Berendes

14:00 | Let’s Play! (DE/EN)
Studierende der HAW Hamburg präsentieren ihre Spiele // Students of HAW Hamburg present their Games

15:00 | Your slot? Register at the info desk!

15:20 | Zombie-Invasion – Präsentation aus dem Performance-Workshop „Ich bin der Zombie (ein Selbsttest)” (DE/EN)
Charlotte Pfeifer und Workshop-Teilnehmende

15:40 | Your slot? Register at the info desk!

16:00 | Spiele gegen das Monster “Alterskrankheit” (DE)
Mandy Jerdes

16:40 | League of Beteiligung (DE)
Philipp Lutz & Matthias Heist

17:20 | Work Environment – Get it Right from the Beginning! (EN)
Astrid Mie Refstrup

18:00 | The monster of AI: Will Machines Localize Games in the Future? (EN)
Charlotte Cutts

18:40 | Ein Zentrum für didaktische Computerspielforschung – wer braucht das? (DE)
Jan Boelmann